Cooks Hill Campus

one student at a time in a community of learners

Telephone02 4929 1663


Enrolment Information

Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest (EOI) forms need to be returned to begin our application process. To be considered for enrolment please download, complete and submit the EOI form as soon as possible. Please note we only enrol students at the start of each term and have a detailed application process. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to complete the EOI as early as possible - students need to continue at their current school until accepted.

Cooks Hill Campus is a highly personalised educational environment that requires students to be able to communicate their passions/interests/strengths and weaknesses. Students must be able to self-direct their learning and work independently. As each student is working on a unique personalised learning plan, your student will need to work independently most of the day. Students will set their own goals each day and need a level of personal organisation to ensure they remain on track with learning.

If your student needs more personalised support than our program can provide, we can provide information about DOE support classes (for students with specific diagnosis) and external school options that may better suit your students needs.

Please ensure the student completes pages 2-6 in their own handwriting.

Post the EOI with other supporting documents to:

Cooks Hill Campus
ATT Quinn Robertson
Cnr Union & Laman Streets

or email completed documents to:

The enrolment process for Cooks Hill Campus proceeds under the governance of Newcastle High School. Enrolment to Cooks Hill Campus depends on availability of positions (we are capped at 136 students) and Cooks Hill Campus only enrols students who are 14 years old, or in Y9 and Y10. Students can continue into Y11 and Y12 if they have enrolled with us in the junior years.

If you are currently in Y8 there may be limited spaces available, for students who meet exceptional circumstances (or if) and they are 14 years old. Y8 can submit EOI’s from the start of the year, which will be held for consideration if positions become vacant. If your Y8 student is looking to enrol for Y9, we recommend getting your EOI in before the end of Term 2. As we start transition opportunities in Term 3, with students able to start in Term 4 if successful.

Supporting documentation required:

Please download the EOI application form and include the following documentation with your application:

  • a copy of your birth certificate
  • your 2 latest report cards
  • a sample of work that you are proud of
  • a supporting letter from your current school (if available)
  • any supporting letters from healthcare professionals
  • any health care plans or disability confirmation

Information Sessions (Mid-way through each term)

Once a students EOI is received we will contact you with information about our Information Sessions. These sessions are held mid-way through each term via ZOOM. The information sessions are a way for you and your student to learn more about the design, and an opportunity to ask any questions. Shadow Days for eligible students are held the following week after the Information Sessions.

Eligibility of Applicants

When a vacancy becomes available, students are contacted and asked to attend a shadow day (usually mid-way through a term) to experience the campus environment. From here students will be offered an interview to assess their suitability and matched against the Big Picture eligibility criteria.

The two main criteria are:

  1. the student is able to demonstrate a passion and interest and is willing to find an LTI (Learning Through Internship) to guide their project
  2. the student has demonstrated initiative and the ability to drive their own independent learning

Cooks Hill staff will then contact the home school and ask for a Student Management Proforma to be completed.

  • this data will contribute to the decision of the panel in offering a placement
  • students with a history of physical violence will NOT be considered
  • students meeting these criteria will be offered a placement to begin the following term

Application Deadlines

Y8 students: Application to be made at any stage, throughout the year.

Y9 students: Application to be made at any stage, throughout the year.

Y10 students: Applications must be received before the end of Term 2. (No applications will be considered after this date)

Waiting List

Students are invited to complete the EOI, all students who are not able to be offered a place at the time will be placed on our waiting list. Students should reapply each year, if they wish to be considered for the following year’s cohort.

Unsuitable at this time

Some students potentially will not meet the main criteria and may be deemed unsuitable to Big Picture learning. The main criteria for a position are centred on a student's capacity to develop an independent pathway for their learning and a demonstrated ability to be self-motivated. All avenues of data collection will be examined before a determination is made on suitability. This will include: the students last two reports, the Student Management Proforma from the student's current school, participation on the shadow day and the interview process.

Students with a history of violence will NOT be considered.