Advisory is a key feature of our learning design. Advisories at Cooks Hill Campus cater for a class size of 17 students from Year 9 to Year 12, catering for a diversity of student interests and passions.
An advisor is more than a classroom teacher; they are an integral part of an environment that allows students the freedom to find themselves with the support and motivation of inspiring adults.
Advisors create a safe, trusting, and collaborative learning environment that enables students to learn through school and community experiences. The Advisor supports students to develop as unique, mature, able, knowledgeable, and responsible individuals.
Advisors key responsibilities are to be responsible for the two-to-four-year educational journey of approximately 17 students and their successful graduation and/or transition to higher learner.
Advisor Responsibilities
Core Duties
- plan the learning journey through a program of instruction that is both challenging and meets the individual needs, interests, and abilities of each student
- guide students into learning experiences and activities that focus on the mastery of the specific content area as it relates to syllabus documents
- provide supplemental and educational resources in order to support students' growth
- employ a variety of educational techniques in pursuit of educational goals and establishes clear objectives for each student
- facilitate student learning outside of the school building via camping, museum trips, and leadership excursions
- hold students accountable to specific grade, advisory, and campus standards and celebrates students' accomplishments
- assert students' educational and social progress through narratives, phone calls to parents, and weekly student meetings
- maintain accurate, complete, and factual student transcripts as required by the school, NESA and the new Australian Curriculum
- be accessible to students and parents for education-related purposes outside normal school hours as negotiated with students and their families
- actively enrol parents and family members in the life and learning of their children
- assist students in applying to at least three places of higher learning beyond Cooks Hill Campus
- incorporate formal learning plans and learning through internships (LTI) experiences in the learning journey.
Individual Student Learning Plans
- create learning plans with students and their parents that encompass the individual student's personal interests and development needs
- facilitate learning plan meetings four times per year with each family or guardian and internship mentor
- update and modify students' learning plans three to four times per year.
Learning Through Internships LTI
- work collaboratively with the LTI Coordinator to ensure each student has an internship by facilitating searches using phone calls, shadow days, and other available means
- monitor students' internships through regular site visits, phone calls, and mentor meetings. School organisation, governance, and operations
- attend advisor and peer meetings to plan and work collaboratively to share best practices and critique each other's work, and to view all the students in the school as their own
- attend meetings and share responsibilities for school wide events and initiatives
Other Matters
- create a safe and healthy learning environment and responds to emergencies in accordance with established safety and emergency policies and guidelines
- actively participate in weekly staff meetings, monthly retreats, and yearly training sessions
- share the leadership role with other staff members in organising and conducting summer orientation for new students and new staff orientations
- perform other duties as assigned
- create an open relationship that nurtures the students holistically
- develop an open relationship with parents and children